Hybrid Event Solutions Provided by OnPoint Studios


As the COVID-19 pandemic reshaped the event landscape, a major corporateclient needed to transition their annual in-person conference to a format thatwould ensure safety while maintaining high levels of engagement andinteraction. They turned to OnPoint Studios for a solution that couldaccommodate both virtual and in-person attendees seamlessly.


The primary challenge was to create an inclusive and interactive hybridevent that adhered to all health and safety guidelines. The event required:

  • High-quality     live streaming for remote participants.
  • Real-time     interaction between virtual and in-person attendees.
  • Comprehensive     safety measures for on-site participants.
  • Professional-grade     audiovisual production.
  • Engaging and     interactive sessions to maintain audience interest.


OnPoint Studios provided a comprehensive hybrid event solution thataddressed all the client’s needs:

Advanced Audiovisual Setup:

  • Utilized     state-of-the-art cameras, microphones, and streaming equipment to ensure     crystal-clear audio and video for both virtual and in-person attendees.
  • Equipment     provided included speakers, an audio mixer, handheld and lapel     microphones, 75" TVs, LED screens, a lectern, cameras, vision mixing     equipment, and bonded internet with 4G and a NBN.

Interactive Features:

  • Integrated live     polls, Q&A sessions, and virtual networking rooms to engage remote     participants and facilitate interaction with on-site attendees.

Seamless Live Streaming:

  • Provided a     robust live streaming platform capable of handling large audiences,     ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted experience.

Comprehensive Safety Measures:

  • Implemented     contactless check-ins, social distancing arrangements, and sanitization     stations to ensure the safety of in-person attendees.

Professional Production:

  • Offered     end-to-end event planning, including pre-event rehearsals, to guarantee     flawless execution.


The audio-visual production team from OnPoint Studios consisted of:

  1. Camera Operator:some text
    • Responsible      for capturing high-quality video footage and ensuring smooth camera      transitions.
  3. Sound Engineer:some text
    • Skilled in      managing audio levels, ensuring clear sound reproduction, and      troubleshooting technical issues.
  5. Vision     Mixer/Online Virtual Manager:some text
    • In charge of      live video switching, seamlessly transitioning between camera feeds,      presentations, and other visual elements.
  7. Assistant/Online     Virtual Manager/Camera Operator:some text
    • Provided      support to the team, assisting with equipment setup, cable management,      and troubleshooting, as well as managing virtual aspects of the event.


Pre-Event Planning:

  • Conducted     several planning meetings with the client to understand their specific     needs and goals.
  • Developed a     detailed event plan covering all technical and logistical aspects.
  • Coordinated     with speakers and participants to ensure everyone was comfortable with the     hybrid format.

Event Setup:

  • Deployed     advanced audiovisual equipment at the venue.
  • Set up a     dedicated team for live streaming management and technical support.


  • Managed live     streaming of keynote speeches, panel discussions, and interactive     sessions.
  • Ensured     real-time engagement through live polls and Q&A sessions.
  • Provided     continuous technical support to address any issues promptly.


  • Gathered     feedback from attendees to evaluate the event's success.
  • Delivered     high-quality recordings of all sessions for on-demand viewing.


The hybrid event was a resounding success. Key outcomes included:

  • High Engagement: Both virtual     and in-person attendees actively participated, with high levels of     interaction during Q&A sessions and live polls.
  • Positive     Feedback: The client received excellent feedback regarding the quality of     the live stream and the interactive elements.
  • Safety     Compliance: All health and safety protocols were effectively implemented,     ensuring a safe environment for on-site attendees.


OnPoint Studios demonstrated its ability to adapt to the challenges posedby the COVID-19 pandemic by delivering a successful hybrid event that met theclient’s needs and exceeded expectations. This case study highlights ourcommitment to innovation, safety, and excellence in event production.



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